Monday 22 April 2013


They walked past each other, pretending to be strangers, and for a milisecond, their eyes met anticipating what they knew was going to happen later on that evening.


     Amanece un día más, y el mundo le parece vacío, una pecera llena de peces de memoria corta que nadan sin rumbo. Hoy lleva puesto su perfume con olor a ausencia. Lo ha buscado por las calles, como una madre busca a su hijo desaparecido. Grita su nombre en silencio.
     De pie en el salón, mira a su alrededor, decidiendo qué meter en la maleta. ¿Queda algo que sea sólo suyo? Siete años en un piso que él eligió. No hay tiempo. Cuando ya lo tenía todo listo en la entrada, se dio cuenta de que no tenía dónde ir.


     I looked at them, then at my cup of coffee. Poor losers. Always focusing on what others think of them. Living the lives of others, the lives they are expected to live. It's all about conventions after all. Be different from the rest and we'll punish you. Driven out of this society that calls itself civilisation.

     A girl is looking at her reflection on the train's window. Wondering if she's looking good enough to be accepted, whether the image she's projecting is valid enough to fit in the standards created by her sex.


 When he had gathered all his things and was ready to set off, he realised he had nowhere to go.